You take your education seriously and you pay serious money for it as well. It stands to reason that you want to make sure that every moment spent with your tutor is time well spent. But, many students are passive when it comes to their tutoring encounters. There are simple ways to be a more active participant in your tutoring sessions without undermining your tutor's plans and expertise.
Ask Questions
Don't be afraid to ask questions, and lots of them. Sometimes problems arise because of poor or miscommunication and a simple question from you can clear things up. Can't understand an explanation that your tutor give you about a tricky problem? Try asking clarifying questions, like; how does this work when applied here, or can you show this to me in a visual way? You'd be surprised how effective a simple question can be in clearing up misunderstandings in tutoring sessions.
Give Feedback
Don't forget that your tutor is a person just like you and loves to receive feedback. Feedback is one of the most important things that you can provide you tutor with that can increase the effectiveness of your tutoring experience. A great SAT tutor will incorporate your feedback the next time that they meet with you so that you can begin to benefit from it. Feedback can be positive, negative or both. It's all in the manner in which it's delivered that determines how it will be received. Couching negative feedback between two positive bits of feedback is a great way to deliver feedback. Remember the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do to you.
Do Your Homework
Okay, so your tutoring session isn't school and you feel you already have enough homework to deal with from your regular teachers. But don't skip out on the assignments that your tutor assigns you to do on your own time, the only person you're hurting is yourself. Remember you're paying to get the best SAT tutoring help available, so if you get homework, it's for a good reason. Your tutor wants you to score well on your SAT so they might assign vocabulary words, practice sample questions and more. Treat these like gold. The more practice you get before the test, the better you will score. Asking questions, giving feedback and doing your homework will only enhance your SAT tutoring sessions and help you to get the most out of the experience. For more information on SAT tutoring or to schedule a free consultation, visit Simply Tutoring.
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